Game Assignments

New Referees usually must seek out a currently registered USSF assignor to get game assignments. Each registered assignor is an independent contractor and each may assign differently, some by email, some electronically or online, some by phone. 

Assignors are employed by the USSF League that hosts the games.  Each affiliated league sets the referee fees each season. You should expect the assignor to know the fee structure but not necessarily have any direct input in what they are. 

Referees should expect to adjust to the assignor they choose to work for and should ask their assignor what each level of game pays and how and when they are to receive payment. Like methods of assigning, the options for payment methods can vary too. An assignor is expected to provide the referees working for him/her all relevant information on the published rules of competition that the league has, as well as any other information like field locations, reporting protocols, etc..  As you gain experience you may work for multiple different assignors because leagues and tournaments may all employ different assignors.

New referees should expect to start with lower games, and probably as Assistant Referees first.  You'll probably be asked for your availability, your assignor will use that to know when you can work so fill it out carefully.  When you demonstrate your ability to do those jobs well first, then your assignor will increase the level of your assignments.  It's common to initially accept as many assignments as you can.  If you decline too many that your availability says you're available for without a good reason, your assignor may stop offering.  It's like any other job, if you don't accept or show up to work, then don't expect to work much.

Login or create an account in the OMS/MRDP portal to search for local game assignors in your District. Click on the Advancement Tab to find an Assignor in the area you potentially want to work games in.  You may be able to  just contact the league directly that you want to work for and they'll tell you who their assignor is and how to contact them.