Outdoor Referees registered within the past 3 years should start their recertification at and select the Member Sign In option. If you have not already changed it, your default username will be your primary email address (from the US Soccer Learning Center). Your default password will be your last name (all UPPERCASE).  If you can't get into the OMS system, email the registrar at [email protected] for assistance.

As a Referee or Emeritus Referee, you have two options for recertification:

  1.  Outdoor Referee In-Person Recertification clinic ($100 total fee). If this is your choice, select the Referee Recert Online Lessons clinic. Upon completion of all 7 lessons, the Online Lessons button will change to say Pick a Clinic. At that point, you will be able to move yourself to an in-person clinic. Your 2025 badge will be given to you at the clinic.
  2. Outdoor Referee Zoom Recertification clinic ($110 total fee). If this is your choice, select the Outdoor Referee-Zoom Recertification date and time you wish to attend. After registering, and before attending the Zoom session, you will be required to complete the 7 online lessons. Your 2025 badge will be mailed to you shortly after your lessons are completed and you have attended the Zoom session.

If you register for the outdoor option and subsequently want to transfer to a Zoom option, there will be a $10 convenience/service charge that must be paid before your transfer can be completed.

All 7 current recert modules must be completed before the posted cutoff date of each clinic.  In order to be placed on a clinic roster all modules must be completed before midnight the night prior to the clinic date. After midnight the system won't let anyone be added to the roster, unless it's done by an administrator.  All rosters have a cutoff date so the sooner you can get your modules done, the better.  Here is the link to get you started;

If it's been over 3 years since your last registration in Missouri or any other USSF state, you will have to use the same path as the new referees.  If the OMS system only offers you the online entry route, then your last registration was outside the permitted 3 year window.  You will have start out as a "new referee" and when the system finds your info it will tell you what to do next.

 IF YOU ARE REGISTERED FOR MORE THAN ONE THING USE THE SAME PROFILE (i.e. referee, assignor, futsal referee and mentor, etc) to reregister for the other profile.  To access those other profiles you must use the pull down menus in the upper left hand side of your OMS home page.

NOTE: THE PRIMARY EMAIL ON YOUR PROFILE IN THE LEARNING CENTER MUST MATCH THE PRIMARY EMAIL AND DOB IN OMS ON YOUR PROFILE or the 2 systems won't sync your SafeSport and/or Intro to Safe if you are regional or above.