The entry in-person clinic consists of both classroom and hands-on field training so come prepared.  Your assigned instructor will send out emails covering all the site specific details (access, parking, schedule, what to bring, etc.) shortly before the clinic date.

After you read all these explanations, you will start the process at our registration site MRDP/OMS.  Sign up on "New Member Registration". After your profile is complete, while you can see all the clinics, you must choose: 

  1. Outdoor Entry Referee Online Lessons.  You want just this Online link first.  After your payment is received you will have access to the 25 online training modules that are a prerequisite for the in-person course.
  2. ONLY after you have successfully completed all 25 modules will a new green button/box appear that says "Pick a Clinic".  That's when you first decide when and where you want to attend the in-person class and hands on field training from those listed AT THAT MOMENT.  There are constantly new opportunities posted within a given district so if you don't see one that works for you right now, check back until one appears that you want.

MRDP/OMS Registering to become a new referee instructions